In the hotel

Swimming pool & spa
See SPA brochure for more information.

Wifi & internet
There is a free internet connection and Wi-Fi zone. Ask for the password at reception. The main hotel lounge has a computer that guests can use.

Free buffet to enjoy on the terrace or in the dining room from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.

9am to 11.45pm

The snacks is open from
12 midday to 3.45pm

7pm to 9.45pm

Room service
9am to 10pm

You can enjoy a continental break-fast and bar service in your room for no extra charge. Just dial 9.
Please note that taking food or drinks from the breakfast buffet out of the dining room area is not permitted.


Sun & spa towels service
If you wish to make use of this service, please ask at reception.

Private dock
If you wish to make use of this service, please ask at reception.

A bicycle & motorcycle room is available for all our guests. Please contact the reception team if you want to make use of it.

Weddings & special celebrations